
The Land Use Bylaw divides all land in The City into land use districts or zones. “Permitted” or “discretionary” uses are allowed in each district, and are subject to specific standards, with respect to things such as setbacks from property lines, parking, building size and heights.

The intent of the Land Use Bylaw is to ensure uses are compatible with their neighbours, and are developed attractively. Check to determine if the property you wish to buy or lease is located in a zone that allows the type of business you may wish to establish. If your site is in the right district, you can then apply for development approval.

If your property is not in a district that would allow your type of business, you may wish to discuss a rezoning application with the Inspections and Licensing and Planning departments. To approve a  change in zoning, City Council must adopt an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw.

City Council must advertise the proposed amendment and hold a public hearing to allow others affected by the amendment to express their views. An outline plan or area structure plan may be required prior to rezoning. Council may approve or refuse an application to amend the bylaws.

To apply for rezoning or for information on fees, please contact The City of Red Deer Planning department.
