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The Red Deer and District Chamber of Commerce welcomes their new CEO Robin Bobocel.

Bobocel said the Chamber, under his leadership, will not get involved with politics, however, it will advocate and develop policy that supports the business community.

He believes that through the many leaders that call themselves Chamber members—Red Deer business will thrive.

“I believe real leaders are leaders of business,” he said

Leadership is needed, according to Bobocel, because of non business friendly policies that are hurting Red Deer like the carbon tax, federal small business tax changes and raises to the minimum wage.


“There is a feeling that business doesn’t have a seat at the table,” he said.

Volunteerism, Bobocel explained, will be an important part of his tenure as CEO.

“You will start to see Chamber staff involved with philanthropic events,” he said.

This is part of his overall goal to have the Chamber more involved with the community. He used the example of Central Alberta crime as an out-of-the-box way that business leaders can positively affect their community.

“The Red Deer Chamber will offer solutions on how this will be dealt with,” he said, adding the Chamber has already begun engaging the Downtown Business Association( DBA) on how everyone can be involved to create a thriving downtown business community.

Partnerships, like the DBA, will factor in greatly to the Chamber’s mission going forward and Bobocel looks forward to partnering with Red Deer College, the City of Red Deer, Red Deer County and the Central Alberta Economic Partnership to name a few.

Bobocel intends to challenge the status quo of the Chamber.


Source: http://www.reddeerexpress.com/news/new-chamber-ceo-intends-to-grow-business-community/